Tuesday, March 25, 2008


flir·ta·tion (flûr-tā'shən) Pronunciation Key

1. The practice of flirting.
2. A superficial and usually temporary romance.
3. A brief involvement.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2006 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

I read recently in a TIME article about a certain field guide on flirting and first and foremost there are 2 types:

1. the singles club

2. the married club

So why do we still persist in this game that we all tend to know?
What does the game consist of you may ask, is probably one of the questions?

Well here are a few signals to watch out for the next time you are in a social setting:

-stance (notice how you lean towards the person you are talking to, you see this quite often when you are at a bar, it really happens unconsciously and when you drink a bit to much the neck just falls on one of the shoulders)

-gestures (see if the ladies tilt their head to the side exposing their long necks or even your Jugular, women also tend to flick their hair quickly)

-eye movement (the gaze at a bar or that quick eyebrow raised once eye contact is established)

Now notice how all of the above are non-verbal but yet prepared for engagement when the timing is right.

But once you move toward the verbal phase of flirtation, it's pretty much all intentional.

So once you learn the game, it becomes second nature and you don't even notice it until your partner starts calling you out and then you start entering the danger zone. Now let me brief you on this emotional capital that we all embrace and I'm not talking about the Benjamins, but the intangibles. Now I don't see nothing wrong with it because sometimes you need to flirt to capture interest whether it could be trying to get those AJ's at a local foot locker and the sales manager/rep. happens to be of the opposite sex, or if you know the PR women in front of the club/event and you don't want to wait in line, a lil eye movement, a nice smile, and dropping a name at the door might get you in quicker than standing in line.

This social lubricate can seem quite helpful at times for your everyday transactions but one thing that I never get, is these damn local stylist/hair dresser that the ladies always return to. Have you ever not met a male stylist/hair dresser who doesn't flirt? Women go to these specialist not to just look better but also FEEL better, because the better they feel about themselves the happier they are and will frequently come back for their daily dose. Flirting is almost a law set for these specialist and on top, if they are gay, its a wrap because the women will not feel like they are coming on to them and feel safe.

Now the murder happens when you step out of the stylist/hairdresser's chair, things are not that simple. If you flirt the wrong way with the wrong person you are bound to get a foot up your a#* or a lawsuit similar to what Isiah Thomas encountered recently.

So for all those specialists out there they have an existing client el, you may want to revamp some of the business processes and see if your customer are completely happy with your service. Now this leads me to a whole another entity which is consulting but I'll share this some other time......

"So go ahead all of you out there, go flirt but remember with great flirting, leads to great responsibility."

1 comment:

Communiteez said...

gr8 topik.. well versed article... flirting definitely is a business 'lubricant' when used properly... cant lay it on thick(literally, hehe)... as one matures and strives to move up in the world- you HAVE to be careful and be subtle with the glances, etc... coworkers are at your disposal everyday but sometimes a glance should be left at 'a glance'-- if you overLUBRICATE the situation, things can get messy...

flirting keeps you on top of your game and well groomed... your mentality is to impress at all times.. no slackin...

flirting is all about 'feeling good'.. (pursuing it any further will be at your own risk!).. flirting confirms that you 'still got it', hehe... especially if you're in a relationship...

it's that ball in the corner pocket-- you dont have to 'hit it'... nah mean?