Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Kudos to the Marketing team at Weatherproof

I thought this ad was quite interesting put up by Weatherproof the jacket company which stunned the New York visitors and residents the past few weeks for advertising a massive billboard in Times Square of the President wearing one of their coats calling it "The Obama Jacket."

This ad is located on 31st Street above Red Lobster till this Thursday and you can find out more about this story on how it came about from the President of Weatherproof Freddie Stollmack at the NY Times article here.

Imagine if we got one Jask Clothing's Tees on our President playing some hoops.....hmmmmm. Attention all stylists....let me know if you have any contacts to the White House.

Regardless if the public thinks its bad hype, he's wearing their coat and that says a lot. I wonder how much percentage profits they have sold due to this Billboard?

Then you walk a few hundred feet and I thought this ad was interesting.


With all this negativity press about our President lately, I can only hope it will turn for the better in 2010. We'll have to wait and see.

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