Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Future car

So recently I was at a car show to see the new models that were being showcased by most of the car companies except Porsche, Ferrari, Lexus, and the higher end models and I wasn't so impressed when I got there.

I brought Jackson because he's obsessed with Pixar's CARS and thought he would be blown away by taking him to a car show, but he just ended up running down the aisles like he was training for Football camp.

This then lead to me to start reflecting on a global level.
It seems like the world has not come to understand that it is time to move forward on innovation and start thinking about cars that protect the environment and save us money, I mean we have the technology and information to make it happen, how come none of these car makers are budging?

If you look at the statistics, there are 4 huge reasons to move toward a fuel efficient world:

1. Saves us $$$ (dollars and cents)
2. Strengthens National Security & reduce our dependence on foreign oil
3. Protects our environment
4. Conserves resources

Pretty good reasons but again you gotta put yourself in these corporations and our government's shoes. You can't be forcing folks to buy more efficient cars. Especially in this day and age, its just not how business works by ordering car companies to make them is like forcing people to lose weight by banning McDonald's & Burger King from selling Whoppers and Big Macs.

The reason the automakers make them is because they want that big pickup trucks, SUVs, and V-8 engines.

So then my colleague at work Dorian told me about this this article written by Jacob Gordon and I was kind of blown away by this new innovative "diesel" automobile. This could be a great idea for us and move forward but this goes back to what I mentioned before, you need a HUGE significant amount of fuel tazing to get people to change - maybe we need to rethink and use the revenue to add mass transit and repair the infrastructure. Anything else is just delaying the inevitable. The tri-state seems to be moving that direction....we will wait and see.

Check it out it out.

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