Monday, April 12, 2010


Hello Jask Readers

I was lucky enough to be invited by the Jask Report to contribute high art, music and events to this very esteemed blog. There is only one problem, I may be high at times, but hardly ever esteemed. But I digress, fore this is not about me, this is about you. I only hope to provide the readers of this site an occasional taste of my brand of sarcasm. Yes I am jaded and cynical, but that doesn't mean you need to be. In fact, I encourage the proliferation of positivity, though I rarely participate in it's promotion. That's probably overstating the matter, but I hope to keep the thresh hold as low as possible for as long as I can...Make sense? No? Well then, the following videos will make even less sense! 

Now all I need is some Jask Clothing to rock (hint) and I will be on my way to The Bay

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