Saturday, August 23, 2008

Giving to CASA for those in the struggle

My home girl Vanessa Vega has been holding it down in Costa Rica the past few months working on an organic plantation every day planting vegetables, herb gardens, and even coffee which I'm dying to try!

Hudson County Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) is an independent, non-profit organization committed to advocating for the best interests of abused and neglected children. CASA works through trained community volunteers to ensure that needed services and assistance are made available to children while helping to move them toward safe and permanent homes.

Her and her boyfriend Jeff have been experimenting with tinctures of oregano (from the farm), kombucha tea fermentations, lemongrass bug repellents (we grow and cultivate it onthe farm, as well!), red pepper relishes and jams. They recently discovered some really nice tasting yams on the property too, which they have replanted and are trying to propogate. If you have ever dug up a yam or a potato you have ever dug up a yam or a potato. You can appreciate how HARD they are to get! I mean, you will rethink the wonder of hash browns. You will come to love mashed potatoes in a way you never thought possible. And moreover, you will thank the people or machines that clean them...too. They come out of the ground as the dirtiest little roots you can imagine like tiny, wrinkly and hard. Vanessa said that they have to soak them and scrub them several times before they can actually eat them. But when they do...its strictly bliss.

Please take some time to check out her site - Firstgiving which is a fund raising site that allows her to collect secure online donations for her chosen cause which is raising awareness and helping out abused and neglected children who fall under the NJ welfare system.

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